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Alle Automodelle Kia

Auswahl und Suche der Reifengröße nach Modell Kia. Tabelle der werkseitigen Standardgrößen von Reifen und Rädern Kia

  • Welche Gummigröße kann ich auf einen Kia legen.
  • Akzeptable (Standard) und empfohlene Reifengrößen für Kia
  • Maximum und Minimum Kia Reifengrößen
  • Profil (Breite, Höhe) und Durchmesser von Kia Reifen

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The South Korean car manufacturing firm was established in 1944. The main factory, as well as the headquarters, is located in Seoul. At the beginning of its activity, the company produced bicycles (1952). A little later, it was decided to retrain the company's activities for the production of scooters (1957). The company was renamed Kia Corp in 1971. Her automotive career began in 1977, when the first car was assembled under a Mazda license. As part of the expansion of production, a little later, the company acquires the auto company Asia Motors Co. In 1998, the company name was changed again to Kia Motors Corp. At the end of the 90s, the concern is involved in a local financial crisis. Hyundai comes to the rescue, having bought its controlling stake.

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