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Alle Automodelle Jeep

Auswahl und Suche der Reifengröße nach Modell Jeep. Tabelle der werkseitigen Standardgrößen von Reifen und Rädern Jeep

  • Welche Gummigröße kann ich auf einen Jeep legen.
  • Akzeptable (Standard) und empfohlene Reifengrößen für Jeep
  • Maximum und Minimum Jeep Reifengrößen
  • Profil (Breite, Höhe) und Durchmesser von Jeep Reifen

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Jeep is the American subsidiary of Chrysler, a major auto concern. She specializes in the production of SUVs. The main production is located in Detroit, Michigan. The history of the company is connected with the name of John Willis, who founded his own company under the name Overland Automotive Division. Over time, it was renamed Willys-Overland Motor Company. The company's specialists created the first off-road army vehicle in 1939. A little later, this car became known all over the world under the name Jeep. After the war, the company's designers created a civilian all-terrain vehicle based on an existing model of the car. In 1970, the company became part of the American Motors concern. And after 17 years she entered the Chrysler "family".

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